ISO Remote Audit
Remote Auditing for ISO has always been a necessity in situations where a company cannot be easily accessed for any number of reasons. Such as no roads, impassable roads etc. With Covid 19 in our lives, the IAF has become more accepting of the realities surrounding companies becoming ISO 9001 certified. Many auditors have the additional challenge of getting to a client company now due to travel restrictions and access to facilities restrictions.
The Remote ISO Audit has become more accepted and in many cases mandatory or requested by companies. This has become, in many cases, the only way to circumvent
the challenges facing our industry due to Covid 19. I’m willing to challenge that the future of ISO 9001 auditing has been changed forever and that the remote ISO audit will become more sophisticated with time and the preferred method of ISO certification going forward.
The other ancillary benefit to remote audits is the reduction in costs to the client as they no longer have to carry the travel costs associated with sending an auditor to their Business location.
This has turned into a win-win situation for both the company requesting ISO 9001 certification and the ISO certifying Body.
ISO Certification Consultants Inc. along with their partner certifying body is able to provide a remote ISO audit for your company.
We always welcome inquiries and would like to provide you a very competitive quote for your ISO 9001 Certification needs.